Hecny Group

International freight forwarding and customs clearance

It is common knowledge that antique Chinese Wise Men were able to move objects with their fibres alone. Also, many people know that, as a transnational company, Hecny Group is able to convey freight anywhere on our planet irrespective of its weight, from a few kilos to thousands tons. Antique Taoists were certainly inimitable in their style, but we have managed to outstrip these old-school wizards in availability and quickness of such services. Regardless of our initial efforts, we'll deliver your cargo quicker and cheaper than you can imagine.

We convey goods worldwide since 1951. Hecny Group incorporates 70 offices and over 200 agents on all the continents, with perfect logistics/control systems and above all a specific, long-lasting customer service culture combining Oriental wisdom and patience, American efficiency and European preciseness.

We can deliver your cargo by air, sea, rail, truck or any suitable combination of these modes. Skilled captains will overcome turbulence and rolling, specially trained people will take care of the customs' "blessy", and a dedicated forwarder will stand up staunchly for your goods. Though, no more words! We settle all transportation matters. How we do it we'd better discuss on our meeting which, as we're sure, will take place soon or late. Because the world of business is amazingly small, and we are endlessly patient…

Company News

Открыт новый офис в А\п Шереметьево

Международный аэропорт Шереметьево

127006, Россия, Московская область, Международное ш., д. 28В, Бизнес-парк "Skypoint", корп. 1, 3 этаж, оф. 1301/2

Тел.: +7 (495) 981-87-29

Факс: +7 (495) 788-03-96

E-mail: svo@hecny.ru... Read more

Открыт новый офис в Брянске


241050, Россия, г. Брянск, ул. Фокина, д. 119, оф. 8

Тел.: +7 (4832) 66-24-84, +7 (980) 306-08-18, +7 (905) 102-68-54

Факс: +7 (4832) 66-24-84

E-mail: brk@hecny.ru